Dragons Crown (Elder Enterprises Book 2) Page 4
Mark launched himself up into the air. He began to climb higher and higher. Flipping here and there. He swooped back down, heading straight for Katie. What’s wrong, kitty cat? Feeling too emotional to come beat my ass? Not that you could. I mean you are a girl after all.
Katie pushed off the ground before she could stop herself. Her wings spread out beside her as she gave chase to Mark. She knew what he was doing and had to give him points for it. She was soaring higher and higher, swerving back and forth. Up, down, and she even managed to flip a few times.
Before she truly knew what was going on, she was weaving in and out of the clouds. Paul and Mark both flanked her and cheered her on as she pushed herself harder. She felt so free. Like the Earth would never chain her down again. She felt every move of her big wings. The way they pumped up and down, then turned slightly when she wanted to change directions.
Katie never wanted to lose this feeling. She was weightless. Nothing was holding her down. Not the life she was thrown into, the prophecy, or even the fact that she knew she had an entire race watching her every move. To be the one to decide where they would go from here.
The clouds broke under her. Katie dared a quick glance down. After all, she was doing so good, what could it hurt? Her heart beat so fast in her chest that she thought it would explode. She had to force herself to breathe. Even then it burned. She felt herself falling. Hurtling to Earth. All she could think of was Paul and the fact that she would never get to lay in his arms again.
All of the sudden, she was no longer falling. Something strong was under her, slowing her momentum with each passing second. Paul. His purple hide was barely visible through the tears that filled her eyes. She wanted to scream.
Love. Paul’s voice broke through the screams inside her head. I need you to close your eyes. I need you to picture the happiest moment in your life. I need you to do it now!
The command almost took Katie’s breath away. He was strong. Katie closed her eyes and tried to force herself to think of something happy. It seemed like an impossible task. She hadn’t had many of those in life. At least not until Paul’s file had landed on her desk. She had smiled more in the past few weeks than she had ever done in her life. But the file had only been the beginning. There were so many small things that had happened with Paul. The way he snored in his sleep. Or the fact that he gave her space to try and prove she was capable of anything. The way he looked at her like there was no one else in the world.
The happiest moment was, of course, when they did the mating ceremony. The few moments afterward when it was just the two of them in a small bubble. Then everything changed. She was happy, just scared shitless that she would screw everything up. The whole dragon race depended on her now.
You can open your eyes now, love, Paul whispered through her mind. At first Katie didn’t want to, but she forced them open just a sliver to peak out. They were on the ground. Katie slid off Paul’s back. The cool grass felt wonderful against her feet. It grounded her.
Katie glanced up to see Mark pacing the clearing, growling and huffing smoke. Then all at once he threw his head back and roared. The sound hurt Katie’s ears but for some reason put her on alert. What the hell is he doing? Katie asked.
Ignore him. He is just throwing a tiny temper tantrum, Paul said as he shook his head. “Let’s change back to our human forms and then we can talk about it.”
Katie gave a sigh. She wasn’t ready to cage the dragon back up. She loved being in this form. She felt free and dominant. She felt indestructible. After a few moments she did as Paul suggested and started the transformation back into her small human form.
Chapter 4
The ride back to the apartment was quiet. Katie wanted to ask again what had pissed Mark off so badly, but in the end just kept her mouth shut. She was still pretty shaken from the fall, and mad with herself for being so stupid when she was doing so well. The feeling of flying was not something she would soon forget. She had never experienced anything like it before in her life. A big part of her wanted to be out soaring in the clouds again, but there was that small part of her. The part that ruled everything she did. That said hell no whenever the thought would creep back up.
The car came to a stop in it’s parking space. Katie climbed out and took in the sight of all the Mustangs that filled the space, each of them belonging to Paul. It was a bit excessive to Katie, but she was starting to understand that most dragons had some sort of collection.
“So what do you collect?” Katie asked Mark as he made his way past her. He paused and gave her a look that said he wanted to be anywhere else but here. Paul gave a slight growl behind her that caused Katie to jump.
“Fine,” Mark bit out. “I collect dragons,” he whispered.
“Like cage them up?” Katie asked. She was a little shocked that Mark would do something like this, or that the Elders would allow him to do such a thing.
“No, like the cute little figurines, furniture, key chains. Anything really that has a dragon on it,” Paul said before he burst out laughing.
“Oh.” Katie didn’t know what else to say. She liked the idea a lot better than him locking up some helpless dragon, but what was the fascination? He was a dragon, so why the hell did he need to look at them day and night?
“Go ahead and laugh,” Mark said as he shook his head. “Everyone does. Just trust me when I say this. One day you are going to come across something that you will feel like you will die if you do not have it. Nothing in the world will be able to stop you from owning it. From seeing it every day. Hell, I don’t know how Paul made it so long not seeing his Mustangs.”
“I didn’t,” Paul whispered behind Katie, then he pointed up to the security camera sitting up in the far left corner. “That one doesn’t belong to the building.”
As they rode the elevator up to Paul’s floor, Katie couldn’t help but think of all the things she wouldn’t mind collecting. Books. Rings. Art. But she couldn’t see herself ever hoarding anything like that. She was simple, she didn’t need much to make her happy, so she didn’t believe that she would ever go to the extremes that Paul and Mark had gone to. She could control herself when it came to these things. At least she hoped she could.
The elevator binged. Katie looked up as the door opened and stepped out. Paul followed her but Mark stayed right where he was. “Aren’t you coming in?” she asked.
He shook his head. “No, I need to go replace one of the guys on your security detail. Plus, you two need some time to yourselves. The Elders have requested a meeting with you tomorrow after we go speak with the Phoenix.”
The doors slid shut before Katie got a chance to say anything more. She turned to see Paul already settling onto the couch and went to join him.
Before long, Katie was stuffing her face with the biggest cheeseburger she had ever seen. Paul had ordered in food a few minutes after they had gotten home. Her mouth watered the moment she laid eyes on the monster.
“So are you going to tell me what pissed Mark off back there at the clearing?” Katie asked around a mouthful of food.
Paul muttered something before holding up a finger. He took a big gulp of his chocolate milkshake. “Do you remember the other night when you froze everyone in place at Elder?”
Katie froze mid-chew. “Yeah,” she whispered.
“You did it again while you were falling. Mark couldn’t move his wings, so he was barreling down to Earth right beside you.” Paul wiped his face with a napkin before leaning back against the couch.
“Please tell me this is some sick joke,” Katie gasped out when Paul shook his head. “He could have died. I could have killed him.” Her heart started to race. No one had told her that she would be able to do such a thing. Hell, no one had ever told her anything about the powers she would gain. Now she was stuck learning about them as they come along. She wanted to scream. Before she could stop them, tears spilled down her cheeks.
Paul pulled her into his arms and wiped the tears away. “Love, you didn
’t mean to. Hell, you didn’t even know you were doing it. We all knew there would be an adjustment period. You will get a grasp on it and then this won’t happen again.” Katie turned her head just enough to give him a quick kiss.
“I know, but damn it sucks. Everything in my life has changed. Hell, I have changed and there isn’t anything I can do about it. Not that I would…I just need some kind of control over what’s going on with me,” Katie squeaked out.
“Well, if it’s control you seek, then I can help you there.” Paul stood and held his hand out for Katie.
She stood and gently placed her hand in his. Paul turned and led the way to the bedroom. Once there, he had Katie sit on the bed while he disappeared into his closet. He emerged a few minutes later carrying a big black trunk.
“What’s in there?” Katie asked.
Paul set the trunk down on the floor before bending down to open it. “Why don’t you come see for yourself?” He winked as he moved out of the way so that Katie could peer inside.
Katie bent down and ran her fingers over some of the pieces that lay in a neat order around the trunk. There were some items she knew, like the leather flogger, the nipple clamps, even the handcuffs, but for the most part she had never seen the other stuff. “What is all of this?” she whispered.
“This is a way to give you control if you would like. I have found that after five hundred years, you have to mix things up a bit.”
“Oh. I have never tried anything like this before.” She tried to pull her eyes away from the toys that lay before her, but she couldn’t. They were glued on them as if there was a connection with them that she didn’t understand.
“That’s okay. I can teach you if you want. The first question you have to ask yourself is this, do you want to be the Dominant one or the submissive?” Katie darted a look up Paul. He looked so cool and calm, and she hated him for that. Her heart was pounding away in her chest. A pool of warm liquid lined her panties. Sweat had already started to bead across her skin at the mere thought of Paul laying on the bed, arms and legs spread and restrained as she teased him.
Without saying anything, Katie quickly stood, grabbed Paul by the hand and led him over to the bed. She pushed him over so that he landed on his back on the fluffy bedding. She then raced back over and grabbed a few items from the trunk.
Holding up the handcuffs and blindfold, she gave Paul a devilish smile. “I already know which one I want to be.”
Katie watched as Paul’s pupils dilated and he swallowed. Her nipples hardened as he ran his eyes up and down her. “Then I suggest you hurry up, love. Cause here in a few moments, I won’t be held responsible for my actions.”
Katie smiled as she closed the distance between them. “For that I think I might have to tease you a little more. Now be a good boy and assume the position.”
Paul did as he was told and Katie got down to business, first securing his hands to the headboard before moving to his ankles. Once that was done, Katie stood and started to strip down. She watched Paul as her clothes hit the floor. His head was lifted off the bed and his breaths came in soft pants. He swallowed hard. “How do you plan to tease me if my cloths are still on?” he said in a husky voice that had Katie panting along with him.
“Oh, don’t you worry about that. I have some ideas,” Katie purred out. She could see his cock throb under his jeans.
Katie moved to the bed and climbed up to straddle Paul’s hips. The rough feel of his jeans beneath her sent a shiver of delight through her body. She reached down and grabbed the seam of his shirt and gave a pull. With a great rip the shirt fell to Paul’s sides, exposing his smooth chest.
For a moment she just sat there, savoring the perfection. From the dragon tattoo on his chest to the rigid abs that moved every time inhaled. “So yummy,” she whispered before leaning down to leave a trail of butterfly kisses from his neck to his hips.
She would pause here and there and nip at his skin. He would buck, trying to rub his cock against her hot pussy. They would moan and then Katie would start all over again.
Katie was pushing him to the brink and then stepping away. She could feel it in the way he thrashed against her. The way he would growl when she would pull away.
“Damn it, woman! Are you trying to drive me mad?” he finally growled out. Katie giggled but sat up before moving to sit between his legs. Then in one smooth movement, she reached up, grabbed the top of his pants and ripped them down. The fabric fell to pieces around him.
Katie sucked in a breath when she realized he had gone commando. His cock pulsed under gaze. She quickly licked her suddenly dry lips, then without a second thought, she bent down and took him into her mouth. His hips bucked against her as she wrapped her lips around his hard shaft, her hand already pumping him slowly. She eased him deeper and deeper into her tight mouth as he sent curses into the air around them. Then she slowly eased him back out. Over and over, she teased and tasted him until he was screaming her name. Katie slowly released him before straddling his hips again.
Paul thrashed violently under her. “Katie, I need to be inside of you,” he rasped out.
Katie’s heartbeat sped up. Her breaths came in short puffs as she hovered over his pulsing shaft. She reached down and positioned him at her opening. Before she could ease herself onto him, Paul bucked up. There was a crack right before Katie realized that he was no longer restrained.
Paul’s hands gripped Katie’s hips as he pushed himself into her hot flesh. Katie threw her head back and let out a moan of pleasure. “Sorry, love, but slow and easy went out the window the moment you restrained me.”
Before Katie could reply, Paul pulled out and then slammed into her again. He was losing control. They both needed the release that was building. Katie could barley breathe, her head was spinning with pleasure.
Then all at once Paul stilled beneath her. He lifted her off of him and turned her around so that she was now on all four. His fingers dug into her as he entered her from behind, plunging as deep as her body would allow. Katie knew he was doing his best to ease into her slowly, but she didn’t want him to.
She pulled her body forward before slamming it back against him. He met her with his own thrust, faster and harder. An explosion was building inside Katie, and this time she knew nothing would stop it.
She arched her back and threw her head back, belting out Paul’s name the same moment everything broke inside of her. She thought she heard Paul yelling her name but was so wrapped up in her own release that she wasn’t sure.
Katie collapsed into a heap on the bed, her body shaking. Paul laid down beside her and pulled her into his arms. “Don’t worry, love. We will get everything figured out together. It won’t always be this difficult. I promise,” Paul whispered into her ear before pressing a kiss to her forehead.
Katie closed her eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep. She knew that no matter what, Paul would be there for her. They would make it. She knew this was where she belonged. Where she felt safest.
Chapter 5
Paul woke to sunlight streaming into his face and the smell of bacon cooking. For a moment he was confused, until he looked around the bed and realized that Katie was no longer lying next to him. A smile touched his lips as he thought about her making his breakfast. He hoped that she wasn’t wearing anything but his shirt. The thought had his cock standing up, aching to be inside of his mate again.
He quickly jumped out of bed and went to brush his teeth. He thought about putting on some clothes but decided against it. He was in his own home, after all, and damn it, he wanted to have sex with his mate in the kitchen. What better way to start the day?
Paul opened the door and made a bee-line for Katie. She was standing at the stove cooking and much to Paul’s disappointment, she was completely dressed. He didn’t let that stop him. He walked up behind her, pressing his hard length against her. A slight moan slipped from her lips as she leaned back against him. Paul leaned down and started nipping at her ear.
“Morning, love,” he whispered.
“Paul,” Katie said in a gust of breath. But Paul hushed her as his hands started roaming over her sweet, soft mounds.
“Dude! Breakfast and a show!” came a voice from behind them. Paul growled and looked over his shoulder to see his brother sitting at the counter.
“What are you doing here?” Paul grumbled.
“We have a meet up this morning with the Phoenix. Or did you forget about that?” Mark asked with a smirk on his face.
“Fine,” Paul growled. “I will go get dressed. But I am warning you now, Mark, if you ever show up here again before I have had the chance to make love to my mate, I’m going to rip your balls off and shove them down your throat!” Mark threw his head back and let out a burst of laughter. Paul shook his head and went to put clothes on.
Paul made quick work of finding some clean clothes and threw them on. He groaned when his pants brushed up against his throbbing erection and anger rose up inside of him. Finding one’s mate was not supposed to be this complicated. Usually everyone respected the couple and gave them time together. He hated this. Hated that he and Katie were thrown into being Royals. Every time he turned around there was someone, mainly his brother, interrupting his alone time. Would it ever end? Or was he doomed to never having time with his mate?
He grabbed his shoes from the floor of his closet and headed back out to the kitchen. Katie and Mark were sitting at the bar, shoveling food into their mouths. Paul made his way over to the plate waiting for him and quickly ate.
“All right, so where are we meeting this dude?” Paul asked a little too harshly. He knew that Mark was just trying to help, but it didn’t seem to help calm the need to claim his mate over and over.