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Dragons Crown (Elder Enterprises Book 2) Page 2

  With a snap, it seemed as though something broke. Paul fell to the floor. Katie wanted to run to him but was held in place for a few moments by some invisible force. After what seemed liked forever, Katie pushed herself out of the oversized chair and ran to Paul. Collapsing onto the floor, she pulled him into her lap and made sure he was still breathing.

  When she was satisfied that he was still breathing and would soon wake, Katie dared a glance around the room. Most of the men had gathered in small groups around the room and were muttering to each other in a language that Katie couldn’t understand. Well, everyone except Mark.

  Mark was curled up in a corner. He was pale, hands clamped to his head. Katie wondered if he was feeling what Paul was going through. Or was it simply he was just as disturbed as she was? She wished he was closer. Maybe she could comfort him, too, but she wasn’t about to leave her mate just lying here unprotected. She didn’t trust any of the men in this room anymore. This whole thing just seemed so fucked up. Then for them to sit around and act like nothing happened? No. This would not be happening again. After all, she was now the queen. She could do whatever the hell she wanted to. It all sounded good in theory, but the truth of the matter was, she really didn’t know much about the dragon kind. She didn’t know if this was something she could actually change.

  She would just have to wait until she was alone with Paul before she could figure out what she could and couldn’t do. Until then, she would sit here holding him and watching everyone in the room. As they continued with their conversations, Fabian broke away from his small group and made his way over to where Katie and Paul were on the floor. He folded his hands in front of him and refused to make eye contact with Katie as he spoke. “I know this must all seem so strange to you, but let me explain. This is the price that must be paid to know the future. Paul will be better soon enough and we can all move past this.”

  Katie shook her head in disbelief. “You may be used to this shit, but I can promise you, neither Paul nor Mark were. I’m not sure exactly what happened here, but it was wrong. I will be doing everything possible from now on to make sure this never happens again.” She glared at Fabian when he finally met her eyes. She could see the shock and regret circling in the depths of his eyes. Oh yeah, things are going to change, Katie thought to herself. She was going to find every single female dragon out there in the world. At the same time, she would exorcise any demons that the dragons may be hiding. She had a full plate, but she had faith that she could do it.

  Movement over in the far corner caught Katie’s attention. Mark was standing up slowly. He seemed to be unbalanced but that didn’t stop him. He pushed away from the wall and stumbled across the room, falling on the floor beside Katie. Fabian looked over at his son and looked as if he was going to say something. Mark cut him off before he could say anything. “Just don’t, Dad. This is not the time nor the place. Now, if you don’t mind, I would like to have a private conversation with our Queen.”

  Fabian looked as if he wanted to argue but Katie gave him a pointed glare. He turned around and walked away, mumbling under his breath. Katie looked over at Mark and took in his appearance. The man looked broken, a sight Katie decided she never wanted to see again. “How are you doing?” she asked in a whisper.

  “I have had better days,” Mark said with a forced smile that made Katie appreciate him even more. “I’m not really sure what happened. It just felt like something was trying to take a piece of Paul. He started pulling on my own energy to fight it off. Even now he is battling it. It’s starting to weaken, but…it’s just not natural. Something is really off about all of this.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Katie said as she ran her fingers through Paul’s hair. “The energy that filled the room creeped me out. I’m not sure what the Elders are dabbling in, but it needs to end.”

  Mark nodded his head in agreement before doubling over and clenching his head again. Katie glanced down at Paul as he started to shake in her lap. Katie’s heart started to race and she tried to hold him still. Then just as suddenly as it had started, it stopped. Both Paul and Mark laid there gasping for breath. Tears fell down Katie’s cheeks. With a quick glance around the room, she could see that everyone was making their way over to surround the three of them in a circle.

  They all linked hands and then one by one, they started muttering nonsense again. Power washed over the room once more, only this time it was light and caressing. It felt as if they were somehow cleansing the room. Banishing all the negative magic that had been here since the prophecy had been read. As the chanting died down, Paul’s eyes fluttered open. As soon as he looked up at Katie, he smiled, sat up quickly, and pulled her in for a deep, tantalizing kiss. Katie’s body was on fire by the time the kiss was broken by Mark clearing his throat behind them. The both let out a small laugh as they turned to look at him.

  Mark’s beaming smile met their eyes. Katie’s happiness over Paul being away fluttered in and out. They shouldn’t be this happy. “Are you two all right?” Katie asked, concern filling her words.

  “Never been better, love,” Paul said as Mark nodded his head spastically. Katie wanted to laugh but held it back. She glanced up at Fabian, asking a silent question.

  He stepped forward and knelt down so that he was eye level with the three of them. “We aren’t really sure why this happens. It’s something that has happened as far back as any of us can remember. Some of the dragons don’t make it through the reading of prophecies. There is some kind of force that will battle them for their life, but it seems Paul is one of the stronger ones. He seems to have made it out without losing any part of his soul.” He smiled, which just seemed to anger Katie.

  “What if he had died?” she snapped. “What if Mark hadn’t helped him? Or worse, what if both of them had not made it through this? Then you, sir, would have no one! Do you even care?” With every word Katie’s voice raised, grabbing the attention of everyone in the room. They all seemed to be held captivated, unable to move.

  “Love, you need to calm down. There is a lot you still don’t know about, but I am guessing you just found your Alpha tone. They won’t be able to move, much less talk until you release them.” Paul leaned over and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “Mark and I are fine. I know you were scared but it’s all right now. Let’s get home and we can talk about it all once we have had time to calm down.”

  Katie wasn’t too happy about the idea but nodded her head in agreement. “All right. So tell me, how do I release them?”

  “That’s the million-dollar question. I’m guessing that since you were pretty pissed off when you drew them in, calming down might do the trick.” He smiled at her and ran his rough knuckles down the side of her face.

  “I don’t think I can calm down right this moment.” Katie looked down at her hands. She hated to admit that she didn’t know how to do something, but no good would come of her not telling him.

  Paul gave her another small smile before leaning in and covering her lips with his own. There was nothing rough about this kiss. Instead, it was slow and full of promise. They might not have known each other for very long but they did love each other. The kiss proved that.

  When the sound of shuffling feet surrounded them, Katie pulled away and smiled. It had worked. She knew now that until she was used to her new powers, she would have to be careful. There was no need to pull out this Alpha crap if it wasn’t necessary.

  Chapter 2

  Paul laid on his side, curled up around Katie. Time had swept by him over the last few days. He now had his mate, was King of the Dragon Kind, and had been put through the ringer battling for his soul. He had put on a smile and acted as though it hadn’t bothered him but the truth was, he had been scared out of his mind. If it hadn’t been for his twin then there was a good chance that he wouldn’t be here now. He hated using the twin bond like that but he really didn’t have any choice.

  Heat started to spread over his skin. His heart began to race at the rising memory.
Had he lost the battle, Katie would have been alone again. Mark would have perished right beside him. His father would have pushed her to continue her Queen duties, not caring that she had lost everything she had just been given.

  All because of a stupid book. A stupid prophecy. A laugh escaped his lips before he could stop it. Katie stirred in his arms before settling back into a deep sleep. His father had known that he could have died. Had encouraged him to do the reading without a single warning.

  Paul shook his head. This was not something he would be able to forgive his father for. It had taken everything in him to forgive him for leaving after his mother had killed herself. This time he had put Paul’s, Mark’s, and Katie’s lives and well-being on the line. He would not stand for it.

  It had taken them less than thirty minutes to escape the Elders and get back here to their home. Yeah, they now had an escort but Paul didn’t care. He and Katie didn’t take the time to talk when they walked through the door. It had been a whirlwind of clothes being ripped and sex on any and every surface that would hold their weight. Sure, a few things had been broken in the process, but it didn’t matter. He would do it again in a heartbeat he acknowledged.

  But now that Katie was asleep in his arms, he couldn’t help but thinking back to the prophecy. What the hell had really happened? In his head, he had been surrounded by complete darkness. He remembered hearing a booming voice coming from everywhere. Then all of a sudden, a red flame broke through the black sheet and darted straight for him. He had tried to run but he had found himself locked in place.

  The flame had surrounded him in no-time flat. At first it was as if it was teasing him. It would strike out at him with a whip of flames, grazing his body. God, it had seemed to go on forever. It was as if the damn thing had been tasting him. Trying to find the weak points. Paul had stood strong and tried his best not to react. He wasn’t sure what was going on at that time but he wasn’t one to show weakness. Then all at once the flames consumed him, burning him alive. He had done everything to fight them off, pulled on his brother’s energy, then finally when he thought all was lost, he started thinking about Katie.

  Just the thought of her had given him enough freedom to move. The more in detail he got with his thoughts, the more the flames died down. He wasn’t sure if it was love or the mating bond, but something had happened to free him of the flames’ grasp. It had saved his and Mark’s lives.

  Paul’s stomach turned, threatening to send him dry heaving over the toilet. He wasn’t ready to die. He had just found her. Found true love. Found something worth living for in this long, lonely existence that he called life. He vowed to himself right then that he would do whatever it took to be around for a very long time.

  His life was just beginning. Even if that life included being the king and having more responsibility than he had ever wanted, it was all worth it. Just to spend time with his mate, he would knock down any obstacle. Even if it was something like the prophecy book.

  He had wanted to freak out the moment he had woken up, but seeing them surrounded by Elders, Paul pulled out his best mask and pretended everything was all right. He had been happy to see that Mark had followed suit. They would get their chance to sort it all out, but first he needed time alone with his new mate. After the ceremony, most females were dead on their feet, yet Katie had made it all night and through the reading of the prophecy. Then the rabid sex afterward. She would most likely be out for a few more hours.

  Paul eased his arm out from under Katie and quietly slipped out of bed. He knew that when Katie woke up, she would want answers so he was going to find them for her. First, he needed a hot shower and some food.

  Thirty minutes later, Paul was in the kitchen mixing pancake batter when his brother, Mark, walked through his front door. He looked worn out. Then again so was Paul, but he couldn’t sleep. Every time he had closed his eyes, he only saw the flames and felt his skin burning. A shudder ran through his body at the thought.

  “Dude, what the fuck happened?” Mark asked as he took a seat at the kitchen bar.

  Paul shook his head. “I’m not sure. That’s why I wanted you to come over. We need to figure this shit out before Katie wakes up. She is still new to her power, so we need to keep her as calm as we can until she gets used to it.”

  “Most definitely. That Alpha crap was creepy. I couldn’t move, no matter how hard I tried.” Mark rubbed his eyes. “Please tell me you are making coffee, too.”

  “Over in the pot. You know where everything is, I’m not serving it to you,” Paul said with a half grin. He loved his brother. Loved the fact that they used humor in the face of stress, a trait many people considered to be crazy. They had spent almost every moment of their lives together. That was until Paul had taken off with the damn book. It had been the longest they had ever been separated.

  “You have that look on your face,” Mark said as he walked over to pour himself a cup of coffee. “What’s on your mind? And I mean besides the obvious.”

  Paul looked down at the floor. “I have to apologize to you, Mark.” Mark started to interrupt him but Paul raised a hand to cut him off. “I took off and left you to deal with everything. I shouldn’t have. I was an ass and fully deserve you getting pissed off at me.”

  Mark laughed, which caught Paul off guard. This wasn’t funny, he was being dead serious and his brother was standing there cackling like a hyena. “Dude, I might not agree with your methods but damn, I have to appreciate the outcome.”

  “What do you mean?” Paul asked, completely dumbfounded.

  “If you hadn’t stolen the damn book of prophecies then none of us single dragons would have any hope for the future. We were dying without females, but now we all have hope. For me, I might get to find my mate, and hopefully our sister. How could I be pissed about that?” Mark made his way back over to the counter with his hot cup of coffee.

  Paul froze. “How could I forget about Lilith? Damn it.” He slammed his fist down on the marble counter top, then groaned when he heard the crack. “Great, another thing I will have to explain to my mate.”

  “No explanation needed.” Paul spun to see Katie standing there in the doorway to their bedroom. She started walking slowly over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “It’s okay. Believe me, I would love nothing more than to destroy things right now, but in the end it won’t do any good.”

  Paul leaned down and gave her a soft kiss. He truly did love this woman and it wasn’t just the mating talking. Any other woman would have broken at the thought of this new life, yet here she stood. Strong. Determined. Ready to do whatever was necessary. The perfect woman for him. “You should be sleeping.”

  “I was, until I smelled the pancakes. Evidently my belly is demanding food,” she said with a smile that melted Paul’s heart all over again.

  “Well in that case, go sit down. I will bring you nice big plate full,” he said with a wink. Katie did as she was told and took a seat next to Mark. They started talking to each other but Paul zoned them out. He was determined to make Katie the best damn pancakes she had ever had. She deserved that and more. When he had six fluffy pancakes stacked on a plate, he sat it down in front of Katie, then proceeded to give Mark all the defective flat ones. Katie wore a huge grin while Mark frowned up at him.

  “Dude, what gives?” he asked as he stared at Katie’s plate.

  “She gives me sex,” was all Paul had to say. Mark nodded his head in agreement as Katie turned a bright red and started to giggle.

  “Your twin can’t even compete with that,” Katie said as she shook her head.

  Paul thought about that for a moment. His brother had saved his life countless times. Had always had his back. Hell, they had helped each other through the hardest time of their lives. When they had to grieve a sister who never had the chance to experience life. When the sorrow of the loss had overcome their mother and she had chosen to take her own life. Then for his father to just disappear, to run off and leave his kids to fend for themse

  Even when he took all of this into consideration, Mark still didn’t hold a candle to Katie. He symbolized his past, while Katie stood for his future. She was hope and salvation. Not just for him, but for the whole dragon race. She was life. So in all things she would always win compared to everyone else.

  “Okay, let’s get back to business,” Paul said with a shake of his head. “We need to figure out what happened yesterday, then move onto other things.” He sat down in the chair next to Katie and started in on his own breakfast. No one seemed to be in a rush to move the conversation along, which in truth was just fine for Paul. He wanted food on his stomach first. It helped to clear his mind. Though truthfully, right now he preferred a nice long flight. To spread his wings and soar through the clouds.

  Finally, as Paul was placing the last bit of food into his mouth, Katie spoke up. “I can’t even begin to know what the two of you were going through. I’m also not going to push either of you talk about it if you are not comfortable with it. I can only tell you things from my perspective.” She stood and started pacing the room. She twisted her fingers and bit the side of her lip.

  Paul couldn’t help but smile. He found this Katie the cutest of all. He realized then that he would get to spend the rest of his life seeing this side of her. What she would look like the first time she took flight. The look upon her face at the birth of their children. Her loving affection each and every day. He would get the chance to find out every single detail about her, inside and out.

  In the past, the thought would have scared the living shit out of him, but not now. All he could feel was hope and anticipation. For the first time in a very long time he wasn’t alone. His smile grew. He had a mate. A chance for a family. A way to undo all the wrongs he had done in the past. She was his redemption.

  “Earth to Paul,” Katie said, pulling Paul out of his thoughts. He let out a laugh as he took in her newest pose. Her head was cocked to the side, hands on her hips, foot tapping a steady beat on the wood flooring. “Please do share what is so funny.”